Dressage was first introduced to Lake County in 1975 when a group of enthusiastic
horse people from Lake and Mendocino Counties gathered togeather to form a dressage club. Thus the Lake-Mendocino Chapter
of the California Dressage Society was formed. They were a very inthusiastic group and had many clinics with top name clinicians,
Informative meetings, three very sucussfull recognized point shows, drawing exhibitors from all over the state
and even out of state. AHSA and CSHSA junior recognized horse shows, fund raisers such as movie nights, yard and rummage sales,
Practice nights etc.
The Dressage shows, "FETE DES CHEVAUX" recognized by CDS, AHSA, USDF
, and CSHA were held in May, on the beautiful, manicured grass infield at the Lake Co. Fair Grounds. Training through 4th level. A
Kur, and a Suitability class were also offered and very well attended, all classes were filled to the maximum.
Movie Showing Profitable!
"The showing of the movie, "Horse With the Flying Tail" on Feb. 4,
1978 was very successful! We had no idea we would have such a large audience and even though we ran out of popcorn and punch
after about the first five minutes, we made a profit of $78 ! Thanks to all who helped"
From the "LEVADE" , the newsletter of the chapter, March 1978.
The Chapter even Talked Yolo College into a 1 semester class on Horse
Husbandry, both in the classroom and actual riding with instruction on our own horses. 30 students sighned up!
As time went on, due to the geographical distance between Lake and Mendocino
counties it became a hardship to gather all members togather. We had enough members between the two areas to form
two new chapters, and the Lake-Mendocino Chapter was dissolved. In April, 1978 Two New chapters, Clear Lake Chapter, and Mendocino Chapter were created.
Sadly we could not use the Fairgrounds infield for our horse shows
anymore and interest in dressage waned untill we could not meet CDS requirements and quota of members to maintain a chapter
with CDS. In 1986 the Clear Lake Chapter was dissolved.